Immerse yourself in the ultimate Yu-Gi-Oh! dueling experience with the "Battles of Legend: Terminal Revenge" booster pack. This set combines the rich storytelling of the Hidden Arsenal series with its own unique blend of foil upgrades for popular cards, giving duelists another chance at tournament-level gameplay. The set features brand-new cards for four of the most popular themes introduced in the Duel Terminal arcade game: Ice Barrier, Genex, Infernoid, and Ritual Beast, making it a must-have for collectors and competitive players alike.
Product Details:
Brand: Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game
Set: Battles of Legend
Expansion: Terminal Revenge
Release Date: June 20, 2024
Language: English
Booster Pack Contents:
5 cards
4 Ultra Rares
1 Secret Rare
Set Contents:
68 cards
44 Ultra Rare Cards
24 Secret Rare Cards
Quarter Century Secret Rares: Special variations of certain cards
This pack is case fresh, and factory sealed from a Yu-Gi-Oh! pallet.
No packs have been tampered with in any way, including being dead, weighed, mapped, opened, or otherwise altered.
Styles and art on packaging may vary.
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